Easy, Healthy Bean and Spinach Soup

Just because it’s 95 degrees outside doesn’t mean I can’t sit in the air conditioning and eat soup. It is September, after all. It’s about time to start pretending that it’s FALL! (Next stop…. pumpkin everything).

So this afternoon I threw this recipe for bean and spinach soup into the crock pot and then went about my day. Because I rarely eat a vegetarian meal, I also added a pound of cooked lean ground beef. It was a good choice.

ImageAnd good thing it was delicious, because I think there are enough leftovers for dinner every work night next week, and then some afternoon snacks when I feel like I just haven’t had enough of it.

I’ve been really into mug cakes the past few weeks, so I spend 3/4 of my spare time hunting down healthy, or at least reasonably healthy, recipes nowadays. You can check out my collection so far on my Pinterest page. Tonight I made this Chocolate Peanut Butter Cake (with unsweetened applesauce substituted for the oil), and it’s taking a lot not to go back and make another… kind of defeats the purpose of single-serving mug cakes.


Be real, you pick around the nuts for the M&M’s.

Disclaimer: I’m not encouraging this. Maybe you don’t buy trail mix. But we all have that friend/family member (GRANDMA) that always has some out. Which you eat all of. Again… mostly the M&M’s.

Happy still-the-weekend time!

Good Things 🙂



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