I’ve Moved!

I was MIA from the blogging world for a while (don’t look at the date on my last post, I’m embarrassed). I moved to Philly, changed jobs, got married, and just don’t have much time for long posts anymore!

However, I cook for two people now, and have to do it quickly since I don’t get home from work until about 6:20 every night. So I’ve started a new blog, with concise posts, and yummy recipes. Unfortunately, you won’t get anymore strange pictures of me demonstrating exercises, but I’ll probably throw in some mini workouts every once in a while 🙂 Check it out!


Good Things 🙂


Sweet Potato Fries, Chicken Wings, and Football

You know fall is getting closer when church goes back to non-summer service times, the produce section at Publix is 75% apples, football is on TV all day, and you start making “fall” recipes like winter will be here tomorrow. You also know that this was a good day.

After going to church (an hour later!) and restocking the pantry and fridge, my brother and I bunkered down on the couch to watch the Colts. For lunch I made these baked sweet potato fries, and got creative using spices this time like Mexican chili powder, paprika, rosemary, and then the called for salt and pepper. The cornstarch is the secret crunchy weapon. I cooked them 15 minutes, flipped them over, and gave them another 12 minutes… before eating them all. Yummy!


And who can forget a delicious fall (or year-round…) iced chai! EXTRA YUM! I use Oregon Trail Sugar Free Chai Concentrate with original flavor light soy milk from Silk.


By the time the Packers came on at 4 I had wings on my mind! I picked up a bag from Target and found this recipe. I promise I didn’t eat the whole bag. My brother and his girlfriend approved them, thank goodness.


You also know it’s fall in Florida because I’m headed out to the pool, where the pool water hasn’t been a refreshing temperature since June and the ice in my cup melts in 5 minutes. Ah, the never-ending summer weather. Good, but a leaf change and white Christmas would be nice…

Before I go, here’s some Bonus Abs! 30 seconds of each exercise, without stopping.
Top half crunch
Lower half crunch
Full body crunch
Heel touches (aka penguins)

Be done there, or be ambitious, rest a few minutes, and repeat!

Good Things 🙂


Easy, Healthy Bean and Spinach Soup

Just because it’s 95 degrees outside doesn’t mean I can’t sit in the air conditioning and eat soup. It is September, after all. It’s about time to start pretending that it’s FALL! (Next stop…. pumpkin everything).

So this afternoon I threw this recipe for bean and spinach soup into the crock pot and then went about my day. Because I rarely eat a vegetarian meal, I also added a pound of cooked lean ground beef. It was a good choice.

ImageAnd good thing it was delicious, because I think there are enough leftovers for dinner every work night next week, and then some afternoon snacks when I feel like I just haven’t had enough of it.

I’ve been really into mug cakes the past few weeks, so I spend 3/4 of my spare time hunting down healthy, or at least reasonably healthy, recipes nowadays. You can check out my collection so far on my Pinterest page. Tonight I made this Chocolate Peanut Butter Cake (with unsweetened applesauce substituted for the oil), and it’s taking a lot not to go back and make another… kind of defeats the purpose of single-serving mug cakes.


Be real, you pick around the nuts for the M&M’s.

Disclaimer: I’m not encouraging this. Maybe you don’t buy trail mix. But we all have that friend/family member (GRANDMA) that always has some out. Which you eat all of. Again… mostly the M&M’s.

Happy still-the-weekend time!

Good Things 🙂



Let’s Start Over, Whaddya Say?

That saying is from a computer game I used to play when I was little, but I can’t for the life of me remember what it was. I think it had to do with Aladdin.

Anyways, I got a little… under-motivated to blog when it felt like it was all the same. And now I’m back. With a couple new ideas… that are outside the immediate realm of faith, snacks, or jumping jacks. I still want to post weekend challenges, but I’m hoping to post more on other things I love, like podcasts, books, coupons/discounts/saving money in general, marine biology, and things I’m in the mood for. Hopefully you’ll be at least semi-in the mood as well and we’ll stay productive together. So let’s rock n’ roll!

Your Weekend Challenge is to do 50 push-ups both Saturday and Sunday. Regular, diamond, morning, night, on your knees or toes, whatever and whenever, just get 50 done each day!

Your other Weekend Challenge is to watch football, because it’s BAAAACCKKKK! Woot! It may even be time to whip out the tailgating recipes! I know it’s only week one, but you can never start perfecting Superbowl recipes too early, right? You could try one of these, or these, or these. Leave a comment and share your favorite!

Someday when people start to comment I’ll hold a Best Recipe Contest and give away PRIZES!

May your weekend be full of new, old, nothing, and everything great.

I sound like a fortune cookie.

Good Things 🙂



Weekend Challenge June 29th & 30th

A happiest of happy Fridays to you! Did you have a nice week? What was the best thing that happened? What did you do for someone else? What was the best food you ate this week?

Your weekend challenge this week is to get in 300 reps of abs both Saturday and Sunday. I know that sounds like a lot, but you could do that in 20 minutes, or split it up for 150 reps before breakfast and bed. Change up your exercises to keep it interesting. (Each second of a plank counts for 1 rep- i.e. 1 minutes=60 reps.

I’m thinking about doing a month-long “subject”- maybe a “Challenge Month”. I’ve thought of a few different ones, like an Ab Exercise a Day, A Healthy Recipe a Day, Inspiration a Day, etc. Thoughts? What would you like to see? Usually contributors (you) are more creative than inventors (me), so get thinking!

This week was avocado week. I bought a bag at Sam’s (You know how they come. Packs of a million, aka five). On Wednesday night I made a turkey burger with an egg (sunny side up!), tomato, and avocado. Last night I had stuffed avocado with tuna and tomato. Tonight I had turkey meatballs with chopped up tomato and avocado (okay I was running out of time and ingredients) and brown rice. Tomorrow I’m either making flatbread or pizza with regular pizza toppings and… you guessed it… avocado! I hope I’m not all avocado’ed out by the time they’re gone, but they sure are good for you and summery.

Mom, Dad, my boyfriend, my brother’s girlfriend, and some family friends will all be here for the 4th of July. Can’t wait! Happy 4th of July to all of you, and may the fireworks be all you dreamed they would be (and the food, can’t forget the food!.

Good Things 🙂


Smoothies and Mood Boosts

As I start writing this post I do it partially because I feel guilty for not posting a Weekend Challenge for those who follow it (or make their best effort to). I also do it just because I feel like it’s time to share something new. I want that something to be smoothie knowledge, not that I have very much, but I do love making/drinking smoothies and I know they are SO good for you. So what I’ve just decided to do while writing this last sentence is to chat about smoothies and then try something I haven’t before that will hopefully motivate you and/or make you feel silly and happy. So. Topic 1.

Smoothies are a great way to disguise the veggies you don’t like to eat. Like carrots. And spinach. They’re also a yummy way to get a serving of fruit, and usually dairy as well. I keep lots of frozen fruit in my fridge, including bananas and fruit that I bought from the produce section but couldn’t finish before it went bad. I don’t measure anything. I add the fruit (and veggies) that I’m in the mood for, say some strawberries, or peaches, or both. I dump in a 6 oz. container of fat-free vanilla yogurt and some milk. More times than not a spoonful of JIF Natural Peanut Butter mysteriously finds its way into the blender as well. I have yet to figure out how. Usually with all of the frozen fruit I put in I don’t have to add ice, but sometimes I want my smoothie really cold, so ice helps. I figure the great thing about smoothies is you can mix together a bunch of fruit and it won’t taste bad. You can guesstimate measurements and it won’t taste bad, either. You can camouflage vegetables you’re not in the mood to eat, add protein powder after a workout, become your own chef. I’m ranting about smoothies like they’re so inspirational. I guess they’re just healthy, delicious, and nutritious! Try them. Peanut butter and banana, strawberry banana, peach, pina colada (virgin of course) and banana. Because they’re such a popular thing right now there are many, many recipes floating around the internet if you’d like to follow directions the first few times you make one. And here’s a very helpful added bonus for you: After you’ve finished making your smoothie, rinse your blender with water, then fill it with water and soap. Blend. And now it’s clean! (And you’re not cutting your fingers on the blades) Go make one you can slurp on while you read the rest of this post…


Good Things 🙂


This almost shouldn’t count as a first post…

Welcome welcome welcome to my new health, fitness, and faith-spiration blog! I think the worst of my blogging experiences (thinking of an awesome name and finding a background) are over, and for that I am so grateful. It’s time for me to start sharing the things I love, like workouts that kick your butt (or arms… or abs… and always sweat glands), healthy, delicious recipes (fair warning: I LOVE PEANUT BUTTER), and a strong faith in God that keeps me going every day (because, think about it, where would you be without Him?). I am so so excited to talk with whoever is reading and get input towards future posts. I want YOU to learn something new and feel inspired to power through your day. You’re invincible, and I’m fully prepared to beat up anyone who tells you different.

Good Things 🙂